Symptom 4. Heart Palpitations: The Anemic Heart’s Struggle for Oxygen

One of the more alarming symptoms of severe anemia is heart palpitations, which refer to an irregular or rapid heartbeat, also known as arrhythmia. These palpitations can make you feel like your heart is racing, fluttering, or skipping beats, creating a sensation that can be quite unsettling.
The primary reason behind these palpitations is your heart’s increased effort to pump blood throughout your body. When you’re severely anemic, your blood’s oxygen-carrying capacity is significantly reduced. To compensate for this oxygen deficit, your heart has to work harder and faster to supply oxygen-rich blood to your organs and tissues.
This increased workload on the heart can have serious consequences. For one, it can cause the heart to enlarge and weaken over time, potentially leading to heart failure. Additionally, heart palpitations can cause a host of other issues, including dizziness, fainting spells, and chest pain.
However, not all palpitations are cause for concern. Many healthy people experience occasional heart palpitations due to stress, exercise, or caffeine. But when these palpitations are accompanied by other symptoms like shortness of breath or chest pain, or if they become more frequent or persistent, it could indicate a more serious condition like severe anemia.
Importantly, addressing the underlying anemia can often alleviate these heart palpitations. If your heart has been pounding harder than usual, don’t just brush it off as stress or anxiety. It might be more than just emotional turbulence; it could be your heart’s desperate cry for oxygen. Make your heart’s health a priority and focus on addressing the issue of palpitations promptly. By managing anemia effectively, you can reduce your heart’s extra workload, helping to normalize your heartbeat and reduce the risk of further complications.(4)