Symptom 2. Secondary Stage: Rashes and Mucous Membrane Lesions
During the secondary stage of syphilis, rashes and mucous membrane lesions become prominent. These symptoms are often accompanied by other flu-like indicators, making the infection difficult to distinguish from other common illnesses.
• Rash Characteristics: The rash associated with secondary syphilis may appear as rough, reddish-brown spots on the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet. However, rashes can also develop on other parts of the body, sometimes resembling those caused by other skin conditions. This can make it challenging to identify syphilis without a proper medical examination.
• Mucous Membrane Lesions: In addition to rashes, syphilis may cause sores in the mouth, throat, or genital area. These mucous membrane lesions are typically painless and may go unnoticed, especially if they are inside the mouth or throat.
• Flu-Like Symptoms: People with secondary syphilis may experience flu-like symptoms, such as fever, swollen lymph nodes, sore throat, headaches, and fatigue. These non-specific symptoms can make it difficult to recognize syphilis without proper testing.
• Importance of Timely Treatment: If syphilis is left untreated during the secondary stage, the infection can progress to the latent stage and eventually the tertiary stage, leading to severe complications. Recognizing these symptoms and seeking medical help is essential for successful treatment and preventing further health issues. (2)