15 Telltale Signs and Symptoms of Anemia: Recognizing the Red Flags

Symptom 6. Headaches: Anemia’s Painful Manifestation

Headaches Anemia's Painful Manifestation

Headaches might not be the first symptom you associate with anemia, but there’s a definitive link between the two. The crux of the issue lies in oxygen supply – or lack thereof. When the brain doesn’t get enough oxygen due to anemia, it can lead to vascular headaches.

Vascular headaches are characterized by throbbing pain caused by the dilation or swelling of blood vessels in the brain. If you notice an increase in the frequency or severity of your headaches, it could be a signal that your body isn’t getting the oxygen it needs.

The headache might occur more frequently following physical exertion, or you might wake up with it in the morning. Don’t dismiss these headaches as just another part of a busy, stressful lifestyle – they could be indicating a deeper issue like anemia.(6)

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