15 Tips for a Successful Recovery After Thyroidectomy

Tip 6. Rest and Sleep: The Foundation of Recovery

Rest and Sleep The Foundation of Recovery

Rest is a fundamental part of your body’s recovery process. After a major surgery like a thyroidectomy, your body needs time to heal, and getting adequate rest and sleep is paramount in facilitating this process.

During sleep, your body works to repair muscles and tissues, and releases growth hormones, which aid in recovery. Lack of sleep or poor-quality sleep can hinder these processes and slow down your recovery.

Aim for at least 7-9 hours of sleep per night. If you’re finding it hard to get uninterrupted sleep at night, try incorporating short naps into your day. However, remember to keep these naps short (20-30 minutes) to avoid disrupting your nighttime sleep.

Create a conducive sleep environment. Keep your room dark, quiet, and cool. Consider using eye shades, ear plugs, or white noise machines if needed. A supportive pillow can help keep your neck comfortable and aid in quality sleep.

Your sleep-wake schedule or sleep hygiene also plays a role in the quality of your sleep. Try to maintain a regular sleep schedule, going to bed and waking up at the same time every day. Also, avoid screens for at least an hour before bed to ensure your sleep hormones are not disrupted.  (6)

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