Fact 10: Maintaining Oral Hygiene Before the First Tooth

Oral hygiene is a crucial aspect of a baby’s overall health, and it’s important to start early, even before the first tooth appears. Establishing good oral hygiene practices from the start sets the foundation for healthy teeth and gums as your baby grows.
Cleaning your baby’s gums regularly is a key component of maintaining oral hygiene. Using a soft, damp cloth or a finger brush, gently wipe the gums twice a day, particularly after feedings and before bedtime. This helps in removing any lingering milk or formula, which can contribute to the growth of bacteria.
It’s also a good time to start introducing your baby to the routine of oral hygiene. Creating positive associations with these practices early on can make the transition to brushing teeth easier as they grow.
Being mindful of your baby’s exposure to sugar is also crucial in maintaining oral health. Avoid putting your baby to bed with a bottle of milk or juice, as the prolonged exposure to sugar can lead to tooth decay, even before the teeth have emerged.
Embracing these early oral hygiene practices ensures you are setting the stage for a lifetime of healthy teeth and gums for your little one. It’s a simple yet vital part of their daily care, paving the way for strong and healthy development. (10)