Fact 5: Managing the Drool

Teething often brings with it a flood of drool, which, while entirely normal, can present its own set of challenges. The excess saliva is the body’s natural response to the teething process, helping to lubricate the tender and swollen gums. However, it can also lead to damp clothes and the potential for skin irritation around the mouth, chin, and neck.
Keeping a soft, absorbent bib on your baby can help in keeping them dry and comfortable. Make it a habit to gently wipe away the drool from their skin throughout the day to prevent any rashes or irritation from developing.
In some cases, the skin around the mouth may become particularly sensitive or prone to irritation. Applying a thin layer of a gentle, fragrance-free moisturizer can help in protecting the skin and keeping it hydrated.
Be mindful of the fact that while the drooling is perfectly normal, it can sometimes lead to dehydration, particularly if it’s excessive. Ensure your baby is drinking plenty of fluids throughout the day to keep them well-hydrated.
Navigating through the drooly phase of teething with patience and a soft touch can make a significant difference in your baby’s comfort levels. It’s a small yet crucial part of the teething journey, and your attention to these details goes a long way in ensuring your baby remains happy and comfortable. (5)