Fact 6: Feeding a Teething Baby

Teething can impact a baby’s eating habits and their willingness to feed. The soreness and discomfort in their gums may make them more fussy and reluctant to eat, particularly if they’re used to eating solid foods. It’s crucial for parents to be observant and adaptive during this time to ensure their baby continues to receive the nutrition they need.
Offering softer foods can be a helpful strategy. Purees, mashed fruits, and vegetables, and even cold foods like yogurt can be soothing on the gums and more appealing to a teething baby. If your baby is old enough to handle finger foods, providing chilled cucumber or carrot sticks can also offer some relief while providing nourishment.
It’s important to remain patient and understanding during mealtimes, acknowledging that your baby is experiencing discomfort and may need more time and encouragement to eat. Avoid pressuring them to eat and instead, offer regular, small meals throughout the day.
If your baby is breast or bottle-fed, they may also find sucking to be soothing on their sore gums. However, be mindful of the fact that some babies may find it painful and become more fussy during feeds. In these cases, finding other ways to offer comfort and relief is key.
Adapting to the changes in your baby’s feeding habits during teething requires a blend of patience, observation, and a willingness to be flexible. Through this supportive approach, you can help in ensuring your baby continues to receive the nutrition they need, even as they navigate through the challenges of teething. (6)