15 Warning Signs of Low Blood Sugar: Recognizing and Managing Hypoglycemia Symptoms

Symptom 9: Numbness and Tingling – When Your Body Loses Sensation

Numbness and Tingling – When Your Body Loses Sensation

Low blood sugar can also cause numbness or tingling sensations in the hands, feet, or other body parts. This occurs when the nerves are not receiving enough glucose, leading to impaired function and a loss of sensation.

Numbness and tingling can be particularly concerning if they interfere with your ability to perform daily tasks or if they persist for an extended period. If you experience these sensations, check your blood sugar levels and consume a source of carbohydrates to raise them.

To prevent numbness and tingling related to low blood sugar, maintain a regular eating schedule with balanced meals and snacks. If you have diabetes, work with your healthcare provider to develop a personalized blood sugar management plan that helps maintain stable blood sugar levels and minimizes the risk of hypoglycemia. (9)

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