Symptom 20: Changes in Voice
A less commonly recognized symptom of asthma is changes in voice quality, such as hoarseness, a raspy tone, or difficulty projecting the voice. These changes may be due to airway inflammation, mucus buildup, or vocal cord dysfunction, which can be associated with asthma. As with other symptoms, it’s important to recognize and address voice changes as part of a comprehensive asthma management plan.
Airway inflammation and increased mucus production, which are common in asthma, can cause irritation and swelling in the throat and larynx (voice box), leading to changes in voice quality. Additionally, vocal cord dysfunction, which involves the abnormal closure of the vocal cords during breathing, can be triggered by asthma or mimic asthma symptoms, further contributing to voice changes.
To address voice changes related to asthma, work with your healthcare professional to develop an appropriate treatment plan that targets the underlying causes of the symptom. This may involve adjusting your asthma medication regimen, using a humidifier to add moisture to the air, or practicing vocal hygiene techniques, such as staying well-hydrated, avoiding caffeine, and resting your voice when needed.
It’s essential to monitor your voice changes in conjunction with your other asthma symptoms and communicate any concerns to your healthcare professional. By taking a proactive approach to managing voice changes as part of your overall asthma care, you can improve your symptom control and maintain optimal vocal health. (20)