Disease 8. Presbyopia: The Age-Related Reading Struggle

Presbyopia is a natural age-related change in the eye’s ability to focus on nearby objects. As we age, the lens of the eye becomes less flexible, making it harder to adjust its shape and focus on close-up tasks like reading or sewing.
Symptoms of presbyopia typically start to appear around the age of 40 and may include difficulty reading small print, the need to hold reading materials farther away, and eye strain or headaches when performing close-up tasks.
Presbyopia can be diagnosed during a routine eye exam, and treatment options include reading glasses, bifocals, progressive lenses, or multifocal contact lenses. In some cases, individuals may opt for refractive surgery, such as monovision LASIK or corneal inlays, to address presbyopia.
Regular eye exams are crucial in identifying presbyopia and determining the best corrective measures. By staying proactive about eye health, individuals with presbyopia can maintain clear vision and continue to enjoy their favorite close-up activities. (6)