20 Diverticulitis Symptoms You Need to Know About

Symptom 10. Distended Abdomen: The Swelling Sign of Diverticulitis

Distended Abdomen The Swelling Sign of Diverticulitis

A distended or swollen abdomen is another symptom of diverticulitis. This happens when inflammation and infection cause the diverticula to swell, leading to a general increase in the size of the abdomen.

In severe cases, the inflammation can result in a buildup of gas or fluids, leading to abdominal distension. The pressure exerted by the swollen diverticula on the surrounding tissue can also cause the abdomen to feel hard or rigid.

This symptom can be quite discomforting, affecting daily activities and overall quality of life. It can also be a cause for self-consciousness, adding to the psychological burden of dealing with diverticulitis.

Recognizing a distended abdomen as a symptom of diverticulitis can be a step forward in managing the disease. It can assist in identifying the disease’s progression and developing a comprehensive approach to treatment. Gaining an understanding of this symptom can help better equip you to manage the physical discomfort and psychological impact associated with it. (10)

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