20 Diverticulitis Symptoms You Need to Know About

Symptom 11. Urinary Symptoms: The Unexpected Connection to Diverticulitis

Urinary Symptoms The Unexpected Connection to Diverticulitis

In the intricate network of our bodily systems, connections often exist where one least expects them. Such is the case with diverticulitis and certain urinary symptoms. The close proximity of the colon to the bladder, especially in the lower left quadrant of the abdomen, establishes this unexpected link.

Patients with diverticulitis might notice an increased urge to urinate. This is due to the inflammation in the diverticula exerting pressure on the bladder. As the bladder gets squeezed, the urge to pass urine may become more frequent, despite the actual volume of urine remaining the same.

Additionally, diverticulitis can cause painful urination, a condition medically termed as dysuria. Here, the inflamed diverticula that are in close contact with the bladder cause irritation, leading to discomfort or pain during urination. In some cases, people might notice a slight burning sensation, an experience that can be quite disconcerting.

Another urinary symptom that might surface in diverticulitis patients is hematuria or blood in the urine. It’s a less common symptom and typically signifies a severe form of the disease, such as the formation of a fistula between the bladder and the colon. This alarming symptom should never be overlooked.

Lastly, the urinary symptoms of diverticulitis might also include nocturia – the excessive need to urinate during the night. This occurs due to the inflammation-induced pressure on the bladder that can disturb one’s sleep patterns, adding to the discomfort caused by the disease. (11)

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