20 Diverticulitis Symptoms You Need to Know About

Symptom 6. Rapid Heart Rate: The Surprising Sign of Diverticulitis

Rapid Heart Rate The Surprising Sign of Diverticulitis

A rapid heart rate, also known as tachycardia, is not a symptom you might immediately associate with a digestive condition like diverticulitis. However, it can indeed be a sign of this condition and it’s one you should never ignore.

Inflammation and infection in the body can put significant stress on the cardiovascular system. Your heart might respond by beating faster in an attempt to deliver more oxygen and nutrients to the areas in need. Hence, a rapid heart rate could be the body’s response to the inflammation or infection present in diverticulitis.

Increased heart rate could also be a result of dehydration, a common occurrence in diverticulitis due to symptoms like diarrhea and vomiting. When the body is dehydrated, blood volume can decrease, prompting the heart to beat faster to compensate and ensure adequate blood flow to the organs.

Another possible explanation links back to pain. The discomfort and pain caused by diverticulitis can trigger your body’s fight-or-flight response. This response releases adrenaline, a hormone that increases heart rate.

Experiencing a rapid heart rate can be quite alarming. It’s a symptom that demands attention as it could potentially lead to complications if not addressed promptly. Being able to link it with diverticulitis can be crucial in addressing the condition more effectively. (6)

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