20 Diverticulitis Symptoms You Need to Know About

Symptom 8. Rectal Bleeding: A Concerning Sign of Diverticulitis

Rectal Bleeding A Concerning Sign of Diverticulitis

Rectal bleeding, though less common, can be a sign of diverticulitis. If a diverticulum becomes inflamed or infected and then ruptures, it can cause bleeding. This bleeding is typically noticeable in the stool and can range from a few drops to a steady, concerning stream.

The exact reason for the bleeding in diverticulitis cases can be attributed to the rupturing of small blood vessels in the inflamed diverticula. The blood vessel erosion due to the constant inflammation can result in blood mixing with the stool as it passes through the rectum.

Although it can be alarming to see blood in the stool, it’s important to stay calm and consult a medical expert. It is not a symptom to be ignored, as it can indicate a severe stage of diverticulitis or other health issues. Rectal bleeding is the body’s way of raising an alarm, making it crucial to take immediate action.

Being aware of rectal bleeding as a potential symptom of diverticulitis will not only help in early detection but will also enable proper medical management of the condition. An understanding of this symptom’s importance will empower you to act immediately, ensuring the necessary steps are taken for effective treatment. (8)

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