5 Differences Between Overbite and Overjet

5. Potential Complications: Risks of Neglect

Potential Complications Risks of Neglect

Letting an overbite go unchecked can lead to a series of problems. Beyond the aesthetic concerns, functional issues arise. Chewing can become an ordeal, with the upper teeth not aligning well with the lower ones. There’s also the risk of the upper teeth biting into the lower gums, leading to gum recession or damage.

Speech is another facet that might be affected. Pronouncing certain words or sounds can become challenging due to the teeth misalignment. Additionally, the undue pressure on the lower front teeth can result in their accelerated wear, leading to sensitivity or even tooth loss in extreme cases.

Like its counterpart, an untreated overjet has its share of complications. The most immediate concern is the risk of trauma to the protruding upper teeth. Since they stand out, they’re more susceptible to injury during sports, falls, or accidents.

Furthermore, an overjet can result in uneven tooth wear. The upper teeth, due to their protrusion, might bear the brunt of biting and chewing, wearing down faster than the lower teeth. Over time, this could lead to sensitivity issues, cavities, or other dental problems. (5)

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