Symptom 10: Unusual Sensations (Aura)

One symptom of myoclonic epilepsy that is often overlooked, and can seem mysterious, is the experience of ‘auras.’ These are unusual sensations that may precede a seizure. They can vary greatly between individuals, ranging from a sense of déjà vu, a strange taste or smell, to tingling sensations or waves of fear. For some, auras can act as a warning sign, signaling the onset of an impending seizure.
Auras originate from the same neurological chaos that triggers a seizure. As the electrical misfire spreads through the brain, it can stimulate areas responsible for sensory perception or memory, creating these unusual sensory experiences. Despite their peculiar nature, understanding auras can provide valuable insight into how seizures are affecting an individual’s brain.
Experiencing auras can be disconcerting. These sensations can be intense and often hard to describe, making those who experience them feel misunderstood. For some, the fear of an impending seizure following an aura can also cause significant stress and anxiety, influencing their day-to-day life and emotional wellbeing.
Interestingly, the type and nature of auras can provide valuable clues about the seizure’s origin within the brain. For example, a gustatory aura (experiencing strange tastes) could indicate that the seizure is originating from the insula, a part of the brain involved in taste perception. This information can be beneficial in managing myoclonic epilepsy and tailoring treatment strategies. (10)