Symptom 11. Loss of Appetite: More Than Just a Full Stomach

Loss of appetite might seem like an unexpected symptom when discussing heart problems. After all, what does your stomach have to do with your heart? But this symptom can be directly linked to heart issues in certain situations.
With heart disease, especially heart failure, the heart struggles to pump blood efficiently throughout the body. This inefficiency can cause a domino effect of complications, including an impact on your appetite. As the body tries to compensate for the heart’s inadequate blood pumping, it may divert blood away from less vital organs, such as the digestive system. This diversion can lead to feelings of fullness or loss of appetite.
Additionally, heart issues can cause fluid to build up in the abdomen, a condition known as ascites. Ascites can make you feel bloated or nauseous, significantly reducing your desire to eat. You might find yourself feeling full even after eating small amounts of food or not feeling hungry for prolonged periods.
Sometimes, this loss of appetite comes with feelings of nausea, further discouraging food intake. Medications used to treat heart problems can also contribute to a decrease in appetite.
While a loss of appetite can be attributed to various causes, if it’s accompanied by other symptoms like fatigue, weakness, or swelling in your abdomen, ankles, feet, or legs, it could be a sign of heart problems and warrants medical attention. (11)