Symptom 2. Challenges in Planning or Solving Problems: The Cognitive Hurdle in Dementia
A common sign of dementia is a noticeable shift in a person’s ability to develop and follow a plan or work with numbers. This shift often surfaces in the form of difficulties performing tasks that require a logical sequence of steps.
In the early stages of dementia, individuals may begin to struggle with keeping track of monthly bills or balancing their checkbooks. They may find it hard to follow a familiar recipe, even if they’ve prepared the meal many times before. These tasks, which once seemed second nature, suddenly start to feel like insurmountable challenges.
As dementia progresses, these challenges may extend to even simpler tasks. A person may struggle to remember the order of tasks while getting dressed, or they may forget to turn off the stove after cooking. These difficulties in carrying out routine activities can often be a telltale sign of dementia. (2)