A Life with Crohn’s: What the Latest Research Says About Longevity

3. Importance of Regular Exercise: A Strong Body Fights Better

Importance of Regular Exercise A Strong Body Fights Better

One might assume that a disease affecting the digestive system would have little to do with physical activity. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Exercise has numerous benefits, not just for general health but also for managing Crohn’s Disease. Regular physical activity has been shown to improve gut transit time. This is especially beneficial in a disease characterized by frequent constipation or diarrhea.

Another compelling point to consider is the relationship between exercise and stress reduction. We’ve already established that stress can be a catalyst for Crohn’s flare-ups. Exercise is a known stress-buster and contributes to mental well-being. Thus, incorporating a regular fitness routine can indirectly contribute to better disease management.

Of course, it’s not as straightforward as hitting the gym and pumping iron. Exercise for Crohn’s patients needs to be carefully moderated. High-intensity workouts can sometimes lead to more harm than good, triggering symptoms or causing exhaustion. Moderate, consistent exercise is the mantra for Crohn’s patients, and it pays off in the long run. (3)

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