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8. Sinus Congestion: The Silent Occupier

Sinus Congestion The Silent Occupier

Sinus congestion is so common that people often don’t give it a second thought. Many treat it with over-the-counter remedies, presuming it’s due to a cold, sinus infection, or allergy. But in the case of ACC affecting the nasal or sinus areas, that congestion may not be so benign.

What distinguishes ACC-induced sinus congestion is its longevity and resistance to common treatments. Over-the-counter medications that usually offer relief become futile attempts at clearing a perpetually blocked nose. What may initially be perceived as an extended cold soon reveals itself as a stubborn squatter refusing to leave.

An interesting aspect of ACC-related sinus congestion is its ability to affect other senses. For instance, a blocked sinus can dull the sense of smell, indirectly affecting the sense of taste. This leads to a lower appetite, an issue that snowballs into malnourishment if left unchecked.

Additionally, chronic sinus congestion can lead to sinus headaches, resulting in a recurring pain that’s often mistaken for migraines or tension headaches. The mistake is easy to make but has severe implications. While tension headaches are benign, a sinus headache stemming from ACC signifies something far more concerning. (8)

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