Alcohol-Related Dementia: Unveiling the Top 10 Symptoms

Symptom 5. Difficulty with Abstract Thinking – The Concrete Wall

Difficulty with Abstract Thinking – The Concrete Wall

Another crucial symptom of ARD is difficulty with abstract thinking. This includes tasks that require the person to think beyond the concrete and tangible, such as understanding metaphors, planning for the future, or dealing with hypothetical situations. People with alcohol-related dementia often struggle with these tasks.

Abstract thinking is a high-level cognitive function, mostly governed by our frontal lobes. Long-term, heavy drinking can cause significant damage to these brain regions, impairing our ability to engage in abstract thought.

This symptom can manifest in several ways. For instance, someone with ARD may have difficulty understanding a metaphor or might struggle with problem-solving tasks that require them to consider multiple potential outcomes. They may also have trouble planning for the future or adjusting their plans when circumstances change. (5)

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