Alcohol-Related Dementia: Unveiling the Top 10 Symptoms

Symptom 7. Apathy – The Loss of Interest

Apathy – The Loss of Interest

Apathy, or loss of interest in previously enjoyed activities, is another common symptom of alcohol-related dementia. This isn’t just the occasional lack of motivation or boredom time to time. Instead, it’s a profound, pervasive indifference that affects all aspects of the individual’s life.

This lack of interest can extend to various areas – from personal hobbies to social activities. An individual might stop doing things they used to love, like painting or reading, or withdraw from social engagements. They may also exhibit a lack of concern about their personal health and hygiene, neglecting basic self-care tasks.

This apathy results from alcohol-induced damage to the brain’s reward system, primarily governed by the frontal lobes and specific subcortical regions. These areas of the brain play a crucial role in motivation, driving us to pursue activities we find rewarding. Long-term alcohol abuse can impair these regions, leading to decreased motivation and a general sense of apathy. (7)

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