Anal Fistula Alert: 10 Symptoms That Should Prompt a Doctor’s Visit

6. Fever and Chills: The Body’s Fiery Defense Against Anal Fistula

Fever and Chills The Body's Fiery Defense Against Anal Fistula

One might wonder why an issue primarily associated with the rectal area would trigger a systemic response like fever. However, an anal fistula, being an infectious pathway, can indeed elicit such a reaction. Fever signifies the body’s attempt to create an environment hostile to bacteria and other pathogens. The fever’s presence points towards an ongoing battle where the body is rallying its defenses against the intrusion of the fistula.

Conversely, chills often accompany fever. Chills create a rather paradoxical situation. While fever heats the body, chills make one feel as if they’re freezing, prompting them to seek warmth. This physiological dance between fever and chills is a testament to the body’s intricate methods of handling infections.

Interestingly, not all who experience an anal fistula will manifest these symptoms. The onset of fever typically suggests a more aggressive infection or one that has been left unattended for an extended period. The elevation in body temperature, although uncomfortable, plays a crucial role in hindering the growth and proliferation of infectious agents.

It’s noteworthy that while fever and chills can be associated with an array of conditions, their concurrence with other symptoms of an anal fistula provides a clearer picture. The body, in its wisdom, doesn’t just fight silently. It sends out signals, albeit uncomfortable, urging its bearer to take notice. (6)

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