3. Abdominal Pain: The Mysterious Ache Beneath the Ribs

When someone speaks of abdominal pain, the mind often leaps to thoughts of a bad meal or maybe even a pulled muscle. However, in the context of Hepatitis C, this discomfort takes on a different, more sinister meaning. Centered primarily in the upper right quadrant, just beneath the ribcage, this pain is indicative of liver inflammation or swelling.
It’s not the sharp, stabbing kind of pain one might expect. Instead, it’s a dull, throbbing sensation, more of an uncomfortable pressure. It’s like an insistent nudge, a constant reminder of the inflammation occurring within. The liver, fighting the Hepatitis C virus, becomes inflamed, causing this discomfort.
Now, the liver itself doesn’t have nerve endings to feel pain. So, where does this ache originate? The liver is encased in a capsule, which does have nerve endings. As the liver swells due to inflammation, it stretches this capsule, leading to the reported pain. (3)