4. Poor Appetite: When Food Loses its Appeal

We’ve all had those days when nothing seems appetizing. Be it due to stress, mood swings, or just a general feeling of being ‘off’. However, with Hepatitis C, this reduced appetite isn’t a passing phase. It’s a consistent theme, with food losing its usual allure.
The reason? The liver plays a pivotal role in digestion, producing bile that aids in breaking down fats. With Hepatitis C impairing liver function, digestion isn’t as efficient. This inefficiency translates to a reduced appetite, with individuals often reporting a distinct aversion to greasy or fatty foods.
Interestingly, this isn’t about just not feeling hungry. There’s a sensation of fullness, even after consuming a small meal. It’s like the stomach’s signaling that it’s had enough, even when it hasn’t. This could be due to the liver not producing enough bile or the gallbladder not releasing it appropriately, affecting overall digestion.(4)