7. Nausea: The Gut’s Response to a Struggling Liver

Hepatitis C’s reach extends to the gut, leading to frequent episodes of nausea. It’s like seasickness without the sea; a constant unsettling feeling in the pit of the stomach. While nausea is a broad symptom and can be associated with multiple conditions, in the context of Hepatitis C, it provides an insight into the liver’s plight.
The liver and gut share a deep connection, with the liver producing bile that aids digestion. A compromised liver means an upset digestive balance, leading to feelings of nausea. Often, this nausea isn’t isolated. It’s accompanied by a bloating sensation, almost as if the stomach’s filled with gas.
Interestingly, this nausea isn’t always linked to meals. It can strike anytime, often without warning. There might also be instances of vomiting, where the body, overwhelmed by the toxin build-up due to a struggling liver, tries to purge itself. The taste during these episodes can be bitter, hinting at the bile’s presence.(7)