14. Immune System Links: How Your Body’s Defense Mechanisms Affect Basal-Cell Carcinoma

The role of the immune system in the development of basal-cell carcinoma is a subject that has piqued the interest of researchers. Normally, the immune system’s job is to protect against foreign invaders like viruses and bacteria. But when it comes to cancer, the relationship gets complicated.
Certain immune cells seem to play dual roles. In some contexts, they can attack and destroy cancer cells. In others, they may actually contribute to cancer growth. This paradox adds an extra layer of complexity to understanding how basal-cell carcinoma develops and progresses.
Immunotherapies are starting to revolutionize cancer treatment, and basal-cell carcinoma is no exception. Some newer treatments are designed to boost the immune system’s ability to combat the cancer, aiming to trigger a natural response that will eliminate cancer cells. These treatments, although not applicable for all patients, open up new doors for less invasive and potentially more effective therapies.
At the other end of the spectrum, conditions that compromise the immune system, such as HIV/AIDS or certain medications, can increase the risk of developing basal-cell carcinoma. These cases provide a sobering look into how integral a functioning immune system is for preventing this type of skin cancer.(14)