7. Location Preferences: Basal-Cell Carcinoma’s Surprising Choices

Basal-cell carcinoma has a curious tendency to favor certain locations on the body. For instance, it has a notable penchant for appearing on the face, particularly around the nose and eyes. This predilection may seem random, but it offers important insights into the biology of this cancer and how we interact with our environment.
The reason behind this geographic preference lies in exposure. The face is almost always exposed to sunlight, even during brief outings. This frequent exposure accumulates over time, leading to a higher incidence of basal-cell carcinoma in facial regions. But it’s not just about sunlight. Studies have found that wind exposure can also aggravate the risk, given that wind can cause minor abrasions that become vulnerable sites.
Another intriguing element is the frequency with which basal-cell carcinoma appears on the left side of the body, particularly in countries where driving is on the right. This might sound bizarre, but it’s actually logical. The left side often receives more sun exposure during driving, creating a sort of occupational hazard for frequent drivers.(7)