4. Eye Inflammation: Through a Glass, Darkly

One of the severe symptoms of Behcet’s Disease is eye inflammation, also known as uveitis. This form of inflammation can affect various parts of the eye, including the iris, ciliary body, and choroid. It is an alarm bell that should never be ignored as it can lead to potential vision loss.
When BD decides to involve the eyes, the patient might experience redness, blurred vision, or increased sensitivity to light. These symptoms can dramatically affect daily activities and overall quality of life. The thought of losing vision, even partially, can induce significant anxiety and distress.
In uveitis, the middle layer of the eye, or uvea, becomes inflamed. The swelling and irritation can disrupt the normal function of the eye, leading to the characteristic symptoms. It’s a fascinating, albeit unfortunate, demonstration of the systemic nature of Behcet’s Disease.
Interestingly, the inflammation can either affect one or both eyes and can present either abruptly or gradually. In some instances, the onset might be so sudden and severe that it requires immediate medical attention. In contrast, in other cases, the symptoms might creep up slowly, causing a progressive deterioration in vision. (4)