15 Essential Facts About Dementia and High Blood Pressure: Unveiling the Unseen Link

Fact 7: Controlling Hypertension: A Key Strategy to Lower Dementia Risk

Controlling Hypertension A Key Strategy to Lower Dementia Risk

The intricate dance between hypertension and dementia has one clear takeaway: controlling high blood pressure is a promising strategy to lower dementia risk. This understanding not only underscores the importance of hypertension management but also offers a proactive approach to dementia prevention.

Effective hypertension management involves a multi-pronged approach. Alongside prescribed medication, lifestyle modifications like adopting a balanced diet, engaging in regular physical activity, maintaining a healthy weight, quitting smoking, and moderating alcohol consumption can help keep blood pressure in check.

The benefits of such a comprehensive approach extend beyond cardiovascular health. By promoting healthy blood vessels and good blood flow in the brain, it could potentially delay or prevent the onset of dementia. (7)

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