7. Speech Impairments: The Lost Words of Juvenile HD

As Juvenile HD advances, it may begin to steal words from a child, leading to speech impairments. This loss can range from slurring of words to a complete inability to speak. Communication, a cornerstone of human interaction, becomes a challenge for these children.
Speech impairments in Juvenile HD don’t just affect the ability to form words. They can disrupt the rhythm and flow of speech, making it difficult for others to understand. It’s like trying to tune into a radio station and only catching fragments of a conversation.
This isn’t a loss that occurs overnight. It’s a gradual erosion, with speech becoming progressively slower, slurred, and soft. For the child, it’s like being trapped in a world where they can hear and understand everything but are unable to respond effectively.
The impact extends beyond the spoken word. Chewing and swallowing can also become difficult. The simple joy of savoring a favorite meal is tinged with the struggle to chew and the fear of choking. (7)