Childhood Developmental Verbal Dyspraxia (DVD): Top 10 Signs Parents Must Understand

Symptom 10: Excessive Effort or Tension – The Hidden Struggle of DVD

Excessive Effort or Tension - The Silent Strain of DVD

Communication should be as effortless as breathing. But for children with DVD, every word can feel like a hard-fought battle, marking excessive effort or tension as a distinctive symptom of their condition.

Imagine trying to thread a needle. Your hands shake, your forehead creases, and you hold your breath, focusing all your energy on the task. Now imagine having to go through that struggle every time you want to speak. That’s the reality for many children with DVD.

This excessive effort often manifests as visible tension in their face, especially around the mouth. You might notice them straining their lips or jaw when trying to form words. In severe cases, they might even experience fatigue or discomfort after speaking for prolonged periods.

What’s more, this symptom is not just physically taxing, but also emotionally draining for the child. It can impact their willingness to communicate, their self-confidence, and their social interactions, reinforcing the need for early and effective intervention. (10)

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