Childhood Developmental Verbal Dyspraxia (DVD): Top 10 Signs Parents Must Understand

Symptom 4: Inappropriate Prosody – Unusual Rhythm and Intonation

Inappropriate Prosody - Unusual Rhythm and Intonation

Speech is a melodious blend of sounds and silence, high and low pitches, speed, and rhythm – known as prosody. Yet, for children with DVD, the melody may sound slightly off-key. They may speak with an unusual rhythm or intonation – another telltale symptom of DVD that often goes unnoticed.

Prosody breathes life into our words, giving them emotion, meaning, and context. It’s the difference between a question and a statement, surprise and boredom, sincerity, and sarcasm. But when children with DVD speak, the melody may sound off. Sentences might come out in an unexpected tune or rhythm, making their speech sound unusual or ‘robotic’.

For instance, your child might pose a question with a flat tone instead of the typical rising pitch. Or perhaps they put stress on odd syllables, making familiar words sound foreign. It’s like they’re conducting an orchestra with a peculiar beat. But the notes – their words – just aren’t syncing up with the baton – their speech motor planning.

This unusual rhythm is especially noticeable during more spontaneous speech. Recited speech, like counting or singing, may have relatively normal prosody because it’s more automatic and rehearsed. But in spontaneous conversations, their atypical rhythm shines through, offering a peek into their struggles with speech motor planning. (4)

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