Concussions: A Closer Look at 15 Important Facts

5. Concussions: Not Limited to Knockouts

Concussions Not Limited to Knockouts

Another important fact to digest is that a concussion doesn’t always involve a knockout or loss of consciousness. In fact, most concussions occur without the individual losing consciousness at all.

This misconception often leads to many concussions going unnoticed. Many individuals, upon not losing consciousness post a head injury, dismiss the possibility of a concussion. This false sense of security can lead to a delay in diagnosis and treatment.

The CDC states that a person does not necessarily pass out after a concussion. Symptoms can be subtle and not always immediately apparent. They may include a brief change in mental status or consciousness, amnesia, and non-specific symptoms such as headache and dizziness.

The presence of these symptoms, especially after a potential head injury, should raise the red flag for a concussion. They are indicative of the fact that a concussion has occurred and medical attention is necessary.

The bottom line? Not all concussions result in a loss of consciousness. Recognizing this fact is key in ensuring that concussions do not go unnoticed or untreated. Awareness, in this case, can indeed be a lifesaver. (5)

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