Confronting the Complexities of Synucleinopathy: Top 10 Symptoms to Look Out For

Symptom 8: Autonomic Dysfunction – The Silent Disrupter in Synucleinopathy

Autonomic Dysfunction The Silent Disrupter in Synucleinopathy

The eighth symptom in our journey through synucleinopathy is autonomic dysfunction. This term refers to a malfunction in the autonomic nervous system, the part of our nervous system responsible for regulating functions like heart rate, blood pressure, and digestion.

Autonomic dysfunction can present as seemingly unrelated symptoms. For instance, you might experience lightheadedness upon standing, a condition known as orthostatic hypotension, due to irregularities in blood pressure regulation. Issues with digestion might lead to constipation, while urinary problems could manifest as increased frequency, urgency, or incontinence.

At the heart of these issues is the α-synuclein protein. When these proteins accumulate, they disrupt the autonomic neurons, akin to roadblocks in the highways of our nervous system. This disruption hinders the neurons’ ability to regulate body functions effectively, leading to the wide-ranging symptoms of autonomic dysfunction.(8)

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