Fact-Based Understanding of Alcohol-Related Dementia: 15 Insights

Fact 6: Prevention of Alcohol-Related Dementia

Prevention of Alcohol-Related Dementia

The best strategy to prevent alcohol-related dementia is moderation or abstinence from alcohol. It’s recommended to adhere to guidelines provided by health organizations, such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which suggest moderate drinking for men is up to two drinks per day, and for women, up to one drink per day.

There’s a misconception that only heavy drinkers or alcoholics can develop ARD. This is not entirely accurate. While the risk is significantly higher for these individuals, even moderate drinkers can increase their risk if they have other risk factors such as poor diet, inadequate physical activity, or a history of traumatic brain injury.

Apart from responsible drinking, a balanced diet and regular exercise can also play a crucial role in preventing ARD. These healthy habits support overall brain health, reducing the risk of not only ARD but also other forms of dementia.

Preventing ARD is not just about individual actions. Societal measures, such as alcohol policies aimed at reducing alcohol consumption and improving public education about the risks of alcohol misuse, can also contribute significantly to preventing ARD.(6)

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