Getting to Know Korsakoff Syndrome: A Closer Look at 15 Key Facts

Fact 3. A Hallmark Sign: Memory Impairment

A Hallmark Sign Memory Impairment

Memory impairment is a distinctive sign of Korsakoff Syndrome. Affected individuals struggle with acquiring new information or remembering recent events. This form of memory issue, known as anterograde amnesia, greatly hampers an individual’s daily functioning.

The memory lapse doesn’t impact all types of memories equally. Ironically, distant memories, such as childhood events, can often be recalled with relative ease. This uneven impact on memory can be confusing for both the affected individual and their loved ones.

At times, the memory gaps can lead individuals to create fabricated stories, a phenomenon known as confabulation. Confabulation can be random and fantastical, or it can be a seemingly plausible account of an event that never happened. This is not a deliberate act of deception but rather a subconscious attempt to fill in the memory blanks. (3)

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