Getting to Know Korsakoff Syndrome: A Closer Look at 15 Key Facts

Fact 8. Confabulation: The Mind’s Fabrication

Confabulation The Mind's Fabrication

A fascinating aspect of Korsakoff Syndrome is the occurrence of confabulation. Individuals with this syndrome often fill gaps in their memory with fabricated stories or details. The concept of creating false memories to make up for memory loss can seem strange, but it’s a common characteristic of KS.

Confabulation isn’t a deliberate act. Rather, it’s an unintentional process the brain resorts to when there’s a disconnect between reality and memory. It’s important to note that while these memories are false, they’re often believed to be true by the individual.

Interestingly, confabulations aren’t typically random. They’re often built around a kernel of truth or bear similarities to the individual’s past experiences. For instance, someone might confabulate about a non-existent trip that includes elements of trips they’ve taken in the past.

The extent of confabulation can vary from person to person. Some might occasionally confabulate in response to specific questions, while others may produce spontaneous and frequent confabulations. As the syndrome progresses, the frequency of confabulation may diminish. (8)

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