Getting to Know Korsakoff Syndrome: A Closer Look at 15 Key Facts

Fact 9. The Onset: Acute or Chronic

The Onset Acute or Chronic

The onset of Korsakoff Syndrome can follow two distinct patterns: acute or chronic. This variation impacts the severity of symptoms, prognosis, and response to treatment. Understanding the onset pattern is crucial in managing this syndrome effectively.

In the acute onset, symptoms appear suddenly and progress rapidly. This type often occurs following a bout of Wernicke’s encephalopathy. The sudden onset might be triggered by a further drop in thiamine levels due to factors like continued alcohol abuse or severe malnutrition.

Contrarily, chronic KS develops slowly over time. The symptoms are more subtle and may be overlooked or misdiagnosed as depression, dementia, or the effects of chronic alcoholism. Over time, the symptoms intensify and become more apparent, leading to a belated diagnosis of KS. (9)

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