Fact 6. The Impact of Regular Physical Activity on ARD

The link between physical activity and brain health is well established. Regular exercise stimulates blood flow to the brain, boosts mood, and aids in the management of stress – all essential for cognitive well-being. But what does this mean in the context of ARD and life expectancy?
Physical activity can play a crucial role in managing ARD. Regular exercise may help slow cognitive decline, manage ARD symptoms, and improve overall health. This could potentially lead to a slower progression of ARD and an extension in life expectancy.
Beyond ARD management, regular physical activity has numerous benefits. It can help manage concurrent health conditions, improve mood, enhance sleep quality, and boost overall well-being. Collectively, these benefits could indirectly contribute to extending life expectancy in ARD.
The relationship between physical activity and life expectancy in ARD underscores the importance of a holistic approach to managing the condition. Medication and therapy play their part, but lifestyle factors like physical activity are equally crucial. Together, they form the cornerstone of effective ARD management and potentially improved life expectancy. (6)