Lennox Gastaut Syndrome: 15 Symptoms that Paint the Picture

Symptom 15: Gastrointestinal Issues – The Unseen Battles of LGS

Gastrointestinal Issues - The Unseen Battles of LGS

Just as a silent river carves a grand canyon, invisible symptoms of Lennox Gastaut Syndrome (LGS) like gastrointestinal issues have profound impacts. Gastrointestinal complications can be as varied and complex as the syndrome itself, impacting every aspect of an individual’s daily life.

At its core, our gastrointestinal system is like a busy factory, tirelessly processing the food we eat into usable energy. When this factory goes into revolt due to LGS, it can lead to problems like constipation, diarrhea, and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).

Constipation in LGS isn’t just about feeling ‘backed up.’ It’s a relentless sensation that gnaws, a stubborn storm that refuses to pass. It can be attributed to various factors, including diet, reduced physical activity, and certain antiepileptic drugs.

Next, let’s uncover the sporadic outburst known as diarrhea. It’s not just about frequent bathroom trips but a turbulent rebellion in the gut. The cause might be multifaceted, linked to medications, diet, or less commonly, disorders like celiac disease.

Then there’s the hot-tempered culprit, GERD. This chronic condition is like a volcano that periodically erupts, sending stomach acid up into the esophagus. This isn’t just about heartburn. It’s a scorching discomfort that demands to be noticed. (15)

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