Lennox Gastaut Syndrome: 15 Symptoms that Paint the Picture

Symptom 9: Muscular Hypotonia – The Unseen Hurdles of Movement

Muscular Hypotonia - The Unseen Hurdles of Movement


Imagine this – you are a marionette, your movements directed by the strings of muscle tone. Now envision those strings slackened, the precise control surrendered. This is a glimpse into the world of muscular hypotonia in Lennox Gastaut Syndrome (LGS) – the unseen hurdles of movement.

Muscular hypotonia or low muscle tone is more than mere weakness. It’s like having loose springs in a mattress, depriving the body of the support it needs. This lack of firmness can make movements seem languid and slow, turning each step into a formidable task.

This slackening of muscle tone can also impact posture. Imagine carrying a weight, but without the adequate strength to support it. This is the reality for many individuals with LGS, where maintaining an upright posture can become a herculean effort.

Moreover, this condition can affect coordination, throwing a wrench into the harmonious machine of movement. Tasks we often take for granted, like eating, walking, or even dressing, can transform into complex puzzles, challenging to decipher.

But the implications of muscular hypotonia extend beyond the physical. It can cast a shadow over social interactions, making it difficult for the person to participate in everyday activities. This can often lead to a sense of isolation, further intensifying the challenge. (9)

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