15. Planning Ahead: Legal and Financial Considerations

Looking ahead to legal and financial aspects is an essential part of caring for someone with dementia. Having these affairs in order can ensure your loved one’s wishes are respected and their needs are met, even as the disease progresses.
Start with establishing a power of attorney. This legal document allows a designated individual to make decisions on behalf of your loved one when they’re unable to do so. This could relate to financial matters, healthcare decisions, or both.
Next, consider setting up an advance directive, also known as a living will. This document outlines your loved one’s preferences for medical treatment if they’re unable to communicate their wishes in the future.
Managing finances is equally crucial. It involves sorting out income sources, investments, insurance policies, and expenses. It may be wise to consult with a financial planner or an elder law attorney for comprehensive planning.
Long-term care planning is another key area. It may involve exploring options like home care services, assisted living, or nursing homes. Having these discussions early can ensure choices align with your loved one’s preferences and the financial reality.
Lastly, ensure that all important documents, like insurance policies, bank account details, and legal papers, are organized and easily accessible. This can prevent confusion and stress in times of emergencies, allowing you to focus on providing the best possible care. (15)