Symptom 2: Unmasking the Enigma of Muscle Weakness

Another symptom that often characterizes the early stages of ALS is muscle weakness. The affected individual may experience an unexplained decline in muscular strength, making routine activities feel strangely challenging. This symptom typically begins in either the hands or the feet.
The feeling of weakness often gradually seeps into daily life. Stairs that were climbed without a second thought might seem daunting, or objects that were easily lifted may feel surprisingly heavy. It’s a silent but persistent shift, one that can easily be misattributed to fatigue or stress.
However, in the context of ALS, this is not just everyday tiredness. The muscle weakness experienced is a manifestation of the nerve damage that ALS inflicts, a sign of the disease stealthily making its presence known.
As the disease progresses, the muscle weakness extends from the initial point of onset, affecting larger muscle groups. Over time, even standing up from a seated position or walking short distances may become a struggle. It’s not a sudden change but a creeping transition, a slow burn that eventually becomes impossible to ignore. (2)