Fact 13: The Economic Burden of Cerebrovascular Disease

The economic burden of cerebrovascular disease on society is substantial, including direct costs like hospitalization and treatment, and indirect costs like productivity losses and caregiving.
Direct healthcare costs encompass hospital stays, physician services, rehabilitation, long-term care, and medications. Given the high prevalence and the need for long-term care, these costs can be staggering.
Indirect costs are often underestimated but they can have a huge impact. They include the loss of income due to disability or premature death, and the loss of productivity for caregivers who need to take time off work or reduce their working hours.
Moreover, cerebrovascular disease can result in significant out-of-pocket expenses for patients and their families. These may include costs related to home modifications, mobility aids, personal care supplies, and transportation for medical appointments.
On a larger scale, the economic burden of cerebrovascular disease affects healthcare policy, resource allocation, and public health interventions. Recognizing and addressing this burden is a crucial step towards improving care and outcomes for patients with cerebrovascular disease. (13)