Spotting the Early Storm Warning: 10 Early Indicators of Dementia

Sign 6: Problems with Speaking or Writing – The Language Implications of Dementia

Problems with Speaking or Writing - The Language Implications of Dementia

Speech and writing problems are often overlooked as signs of dementia. This isn’t about occasionally forgetting a word or making a minor grammatical error. It’s about experiencing a persistent struggle with language skills that affects communication.

One key indicator could be difficulty joining a conversation. This isn’t about feeling shy or socially awkward; it’s about struggling to follow or contribute to a conversation, often resulting in individuals withdrawing from social interactions.

People showing early signs of dementia may also repeat themselves frequently. This isn’t about occasional repetition for emphasis; it’s about repeating phrases or stories in the same conversation without realizing that they’re doing it.

There could be struggles with vocabulary, as well. This isn’t about momentarily forgetting a complex word; it’s about consistently struggling to recall simple words, often substituting them with inappropriate words, which makes the sentence difficult to understand.

Grammar and punctuation can also be affected. This isn’t about the occasional typo or error; it’s about consistent mistakes in sentence construction and punctuation, which impede clear communication.

These consistent struggles with speaking and writing can have a significant impact on an individual’s ability to communicate effectively. Recognizing these early signs can be instrumental in identifying the onset of dementia. (6)

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