Spotting the Early Storm Warning: 10 Early Indicators of Dementia

Sign 7: Misplacing Things and Losing the Ability to Retrace Steps – A Subtle Sign of Dementia

Misplacing Things and Losing the Ability to Retrace Steps - A Subtle Sign of Dementia

Misplacing items is a common occurrence for many of us. However, in the context of dementia, this behavior takes on a different, more severe form. This isn’t about occasionally losing track of your keys; it’s about frequently misplacing items and being unable to go back over one’s steps to find them.

People with early signs of dementia may place items in unusual places. This isn’t about absent-mindedly leaving your glasses in the bathroom; it’s about finding your wallet in the refrigerator or your keys in the sugar bowl, and not remembering how they got there.

This inability to retrace steps is a key distinguishing factor. While most people can retrace their steps to find a lost item, individuals with dementia may find this process increasingly difficult. This isn’t about the occasional memory lapse; it’s about a consistent inability to recall one’s actions, making the retrieval of misplaced items challenging.

Accusing others of stealing is another symptom that may present itself. As individuals with dementia cannot remember where they’ve put things, they might believe that others have taken these items. This isn’t about the occasional misplaced suspicion; it’s about a persistent pattern of making unfounded accusations. (7)

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