Sign 8: Decreased or Poor Judgment – An Underestimated Symptom of Dementia
Decreased or poor judgment can often indicate the early stages of dementia. This isn’t about making a single poor decision; it’s about a consistent pattern of decreased judgment, significantly impacting a person’s decision-making abilities.
This symptom can manifest in many ways, such as making poor financial decisions. This isn’t about occasional overspending or making an impulsive purchase; it’s about consistently making significant financial mistakes, like falling for scams or giving away large sums of money to telemarketers.
Individuals might also start neglecting their personal hygiene or grooming. This isn’t about occasionally skipping a shower or forgetting to brush one’s teeth; it’s about a consistent disregard for personal cleanliness and appearance, which is a noticeable change from previous habits.
People with dementia may also show poor judgment in social situations. This isn’t about the occasional social faux pas; it’s about consistently inappropriate behavior or comments that disregard social norms and conventions.
This continuous pattern of poor judgment, affecting different areas of a person’s life, can serve as an early indicator of dementia. Recognizing this symptom can aid in the timely identification and intervention of dementia. (8)