The SVD Chronicles: 15 Essential Insights into Chronic Small Vessel Disease

Fact 5. Puffing Away at Health: Smoking and its Role in Chronic SVD

Puffing Away at Health Smoking and its Role in Chronic SVD

From high school health classes to public service announcements, we’re all familiar with the litany of health risks associated with smoking. But did you know that this unhealthy habit can also pave the way for chronic Small Vessel Disease (SVD)? Indeed, the act of lighting up a cigarette can light the fuse of this neurological condition.

Smoking injures blood vessels, reducing their elasticity and making them more susceptible to damage. When these injured vessels are the tiny ones in our brains, the stage is set for chronic SVD. Think of smoking as a vandal, defacing the intricate walls of our blood vessels and ultimately disrupting the body’s internal harmony.

Each puff of a cigarette is like a tiny hammer, striking at the integrity of our blood vessels. Over time, this constant assault can weaken the vessels, leaving them vulnerable to conditions like chronic SVD.(5)

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