The Vascular Dementia (VaD) Odyssey: Navigating the 7 Stages

Stage 5. The Road Gets Steeper: Moderately Severe Cognitive Decline

5. The Road Gets Steeper Moderately Severe Cognitive Decline

In the fifth stage of vascular dementia, the incline becomes steeper. Cognitive difficulties increase, and the individual requires assistance with day-to-day tasks. It’s as if the path has suddenly become more arduous and uphill.

Memory loss is more extensive in this stage. The person may forget simple details, like their home address or phone number. They may also struggle to remember essential aspects of their past, such as their school’s name or the place where they grew up.

The ability to handle everyday tasks starts to diminish significantly. For instance, choosing appropriate clothing or preparing meals becomes challenging. The person may need reminders or assistance for such activities. It becomes evident that independent living is no longer a practical option.

Despite these increasing difficulties, the individual can still remember significant details about their personal history and identity. They can recall their name and the names of close family members. Moreover, they can still eat or use the restroom without assistance.

The shift from stage four to stage five marks a crucial turning point in the journey through vascular dementia. It underlines the growing need for a support system, emphasizing the vital role that caregivers play in this stage. (5)

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